Saturday 24 February 2018


I would just like to share with readers of this post, one of my favourite (du'a).

"O Allah, 
grant us your Divine Love, spread love and peace between us, 
grant us the love of those You Love,
grant us the love of those who love You,
grant us the love of doing the things that earn your Divine Love,
please make our love to You the thing that we love the most."

"Ya Allah, 
berikan kami Kasih Ilahi, menyebarkan kasih sayang dan kedamaian di antara kita,
berilah kami kasih kepada orang-orang yang Engkau Sayang,
berilah kami kasih kepada mereka yang mengasihi Engkau,
berilah kami cintakan melakukan perkara-perkara yang mendapat Cinta Ilahi anda,
jadikanlah cintaku kepada Engkau perkara yang paling kami sukai"

As I type these du'a, flashes of memories of my time in the most beautiful and grand masjid, as I was there. How I miss the most blessed place where I had the chance to pray and to seek forgiveness. 
On the whole, my umrah trip was a spiritually, emotionally and mentally fulfilling and satisfying journey for me. 

When I was doing my tawaf around the kaabah, deep within my heart I felt grateful like I've never been before. I am thankful for the breathes that I am able to take. I am thankful that I've been blessed with perfect senses to see, speak and hear. The only thing for me to do now is to believe and to be aware of the signs of the Greatness of God from what I see, speak good things only and really listen to and obey His Call instead of just hearing. I am still feeling it. 

A view of Kaabah in the evening

I pray, for all my readers, May Allah (swt) invite you all there again. May Allah (swt) call each of His Ummah to the Holy Kaabah. May the words of “Labaik Allahuma Labaik” become the rythym of our hearts always earnestly seek to recite. Ameen!


After an approximately 5 days in Madinah, it is time for us to go to Makkah to perform our Umrah. Since all of us are entering the Haram-land of Makkah (why it's been called Haram-land is because Muslims are not allowed to do unlawful acts in that particular area) and it is compulsory for everyone to be in the state of ihram symbolized as a sign of respect to the Haram-land of Makkah. 

All of us already wore Ihram clothing.

We left the hotel at approximately at 10 am and reached Bir Ali shortly after travelling for a distance of 7 kilometres.

Masjid Bir Ali

As we proceed from Bir Ali to Makkah, all of us are encouraged to read Talbiyah. It was such a touching moment when the Talbiyah was read by the mutawwif. As I was looking out through the windows, I started thinking in disbelief as I could not imagine how difficult it was for the Prophet to perform the Hajj, having to travel from Madinah to Makkah. The weather is extremely hot and dry, and there is nothing along the road except for the bare hills and dust. And just imagine the time required as the main transportation means was only Camel. I really thank the Prophet for all his determination in expanding the syiar in Islam. 

We stopped over for our Zuhr & Asr prayers at a place similar to those back home, called "R&R". It is obviously a desert area. We had our Nasi Arab provided by Andalusia and the place is packed with people from different walks of lives.

Nasi Arab

We arrived Mecca in the evening. After that, we went to Masjidil Haram after checking in at our hotel called "Hera' Palace".


I will continue my previous post. Enjoy! 
  • Jabal Thawr

Jabal Thawr is the name of a mountain in Saudi Arabia, located in the lower part of Mecca to the south of the district of Misfalah. Height of the mountain is 1,405 m.
from wikipedia

Andalusia-Mate 😭

3 Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad at Cave of Thawr

1. Quraish Master Minded A Murder Plan Of Muhammad

As the migration to Makkah begins, Quraish plotted a murder trap for Muhammad. While Muhammad was asleep on his bed, through Allah’s guidance he was escaped successfully and left little Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA) behind. Then he went to the Cave of Thawr.

The most loyal friend of Muhammad was Abu Bakar (RA), he left him in Makkah. Quraish sent the hitmen to kill Muhammad and Abu Bakr (RA). Somehow, Muhammad and Abu Bakar (RA) got to know about this and decided to stay in the cave.

2. Muhammad Encountering A Snake in Cave of Thawr
Before going into the cave, Abu Bakar (RA) cleaned the cave before Muhammad enters into it. There were a lot of Snake pits which was tried to covered by a piece of clothing by Abu Bakr (RA). There was only one snake pit which was left open mistakenly. Muhammad was so tired that he decided to rest in Abu Bakr (RA)’s lap. The Snake put which was left open was later covered by Abu Bakr (RA) with his foot.

The snake pit which Abu Bakr (RA) was covered with his foot was bitten by Snake. He did not take his foot out of that snake pit as he knew Muhammad was sleeping, the pain caused by the snake bite was so strong that the tears have started coming out of his eyes and when tears dropped on the cheek of Muhammad he woke up.

3. Spiders and Pigeons Helped Muhammad

Snake and Pigeon gave the cave a look which seems as if nobody enters into this cave, but Muhammad and Abu Bakr (RA) was resting into that cave. Spider knit it’s the web as Pigeons laid the eggs and gave this place a look as if no human has ever entered in this cave.

Later, Muhammad and Abu Bakr (RA) successfully made their way towards Madinah. SubhanAllah! 

  • Mount Uhud

With my uncle & Aunt

We just stopped & take a picture from below. Then, we continue our journey.

Tuesday 20 February 2018


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. I will start by writing something that is very close to my heart – My Umrah Journey. Today I will share my experiences perform my Umrah last year (May 2017, before Ramadhan). I went there with my family , uncles & auntie. We took Andalusia Travel & Tours Packages for 12 days. Our mutawwif so kind and patient. We went to Madinah first to perform our Umrah. I will share my experiences in Madinah & Makkah into three posts since there are lots of moment to share with you guys.😊 We visit the beautiful places by bus. 

I took this picture when I arrived at there, Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz Airport
  • Al-Masjid an-Nabawi

Ar-Rawdah An-Nabawiyah

The most divine place after the House of Allah–Masjid An Nabawi, where the last Prophet of Allah ﷺ is resting in peace. This mosque was first built by the Apostle ﷺ himself.

The moments when I step into Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, I felt very peace. An inner peace that cannot be described, I got the chance to visit Rawdah & pray in the Rawdah.

I could feel the closeness to Him(SAWs) and couldn’t stop the tears. I am very sure He(SAWs) must be happy with His Ummah from so many different nations, rushing and coming together with eagerness to plead for mercy and get a chance to pray. Alhamdulillah. An unforgettable experience 😊
  • Quba Mosque

The soulfully elevated building of Al-Quba Mosque lies on the outskirts of Madinah. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stayed here after His arrival to Madinah. Allah has mentioned this mosque in Surah Tawbah Surah Taubah:

“Certainly a mosque established on piety from the very first day does more deserve that you should stand in it” 9:108.

My Family 

I also get a chance to pray in Quba Mosque. We stopped there for one hour only. 

  • Mount Arafah

The common meaning of the word Arafat is ‘to know’. After being taken out of Jannah and placed on Earth, it was here that Adam (upon him be peace) and Hawa (upon her be peace) met up.

This is the place without which hajj is incomplete. Every year, hundreds of thousands of the pilgrims came here to perform hajj rituals. 

Stay tune guys. I will continue my post which is part 2. ByeBye ~

Monday 19 February 2018


I will continue my previous post which is still Thailand...

  • Hat Yai Floating Market

This time I was paying food

It was a nice floating market in Hatyai-Songkhla. They do it very systematic, all boats are park at the riverside. Majority of the sellers there are Muslim, selling halal food. After buying the food my family and I ate at the provided some tables, which are free seating. The place was so crowded & the price is cheap. They really provide many foods. Taste are delicious and price is totally cheap. The view is very beautiful. We try the local dish such as mango salad, somtam, puyuh fried egg, and many more. We also buy a drink in a clay container. Like this :

Very Unique


There are two section to this market. 1st floor is where they sell handphone covers, chargers and clothings. 2nd floor is where the food is. Some stalls selling different type of Thai foods and drinks.  Don't worry because there's have a lots Halal's food. The prices of foods selling here are very reasonable, in fact is quite cheap with good portion, and their taste is wonderful. A lot of things that visitor can shopping here especially of souvenirs and of course if we come with tuk-tuk much easier rather than driving because of parking term.

So, this is a Tuk-tuk

  • Magic Eye 3D Museum

My family and I came to saw magic eye 3D museum. It was mud afternoon just after our lunch. Staff explained in details what we are going to experience. We were so welcoming by the staff. Once entered the museum, we start taking photos. The staff were really helpful, they help us to take photos at the right photo point. The photos appears fantastic and look really exciting. Many photos were taken BUT I don't want to post here 😜😝. However, I would recommend tourist to come to this museum and take as many photos as you possibly can. It will remain a good memory. 💙💚💜💛

So, I think I should stop write about my holiday at Thailand. Bye Bye Guysss ! 👋

Tuesday 6 February 2018


Today, I will tell you about my experience and holiday at Hat Yai, Thailand a city in Southern Thailand near the Malaysian border. It was my first time in Hat Yai, the city I've always thought there are nothing much but I was proved wrong. I've seen some new things that I don't know before. 
Immigration & Passing through to Thai border

After about 2.5 hours drive, my family and I arrived at Bukit Kayu Hitam (Malaysia) border check point around 9 am. After that, we moved on to Thailand Border Immigration (Danok Checkpoint). It takes another 45mins-1hr to Hatyai town. So right after clearing the Immigration, we stopped over at 7 Eleven (to buy SIM card because my father too busy with his works and also his children can't live without Internet, hehe). 

  • Central Festival Mall

At Hatyai Central Festival there is a food court that provides halal food on the 4th floor. Well, here's a Malay brader who speaks Kelantan dialect make roti canai, he's a lot of info about what food is here. Their foods' price are affordable and worth it. I ordered shrimp fried rice while my family ordered Sup Thai, Pulut Mangga, Somtam and more. Actually we went there because we were hungry & want to find foods not because to buy things or so on. (LOL)

  • Chang Puak Elephant Camp

This video I took from Youtube. As you can see from that video, many people took a selfie and picture with an elephant AND some people were feeding that elephant. That elephant so friendly with people. 

There are a lots of elephant were waiting for people to ride. BUT my family and don't ride it because we are an animal lover and we do not want to support any activities that exploit and abuse the animals. It just 500 Thai baht per person for the ride. (30 minutes). I didn't want to comment much because I'm not supporting elephant riding. Overall I think Chang Puak Elephant Camp was okey because I can get experience feeding on the elephants & watch an elephant show.

Songkhla Central Mosque

This is a new central mosque of Songkla province. It has three levels with the main prayer hall on the top most and parking area at the bottom. Offices and school are on the second floor. The main prayer hall is an open air with natural ventilation. It is considered as one of the biggest in terms of its floor area.

"SUBHANALLAH" is the first word that comes out of my mouth when I saw this beautiful mosque. My family and I were very touched because we have the opportunity to come to this mosque and perform the prayers. The scenery & views was so amazing. 


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