Wednesday 21 March 2018


  • Maru Koala and Animal Park 

My family and I had an enjoyable time there. There are many different types of animals like Tasmanian Devil, koala, wallabies, kangaroos, emus, wombat, peacocks, lamas, tortoise, lizards, horses and some other animals. The visitors can feed the animals. The animals here are very lovely and cute.  Theres a talk and demostration on feeding animals. Their staff was so friendly.

We were only here for an hour but it was a nice place to see some Australian wildlife that we wouldn’t see in another country. This was my first time seeing most of these animals and what fun is  I can face to face with the animals.

The park was not over-crowded and spacious with lot of koala and birds in it. My family and I touched the kangaroos and feed them. I can closely saw the koala and fortunately they are awake. hehe Alhamdulillah. πŸ˜†

  • Nobbies Centre, Phillip Island

The Nobbies Centre is an ecotourism destination located at Point Grant, on the western tip of Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia.

I swear, this scenery was so beautiful and I felt the peaceful, wonderful and calmness. I am grateful to be able to see the creation of Allah SWT. We took the time to go there about 2 hours only. We went there by car. I vomited in the car (don't worry, my mom gave plastic to me πŸ˜…) because that day I was unwell and because of the curved roads. 

My family and I took the boardwalk path to see the rock formations. There are also lots of nesting boxes. I think, this place is good for a short roadside rest.

  • Phillip Island Chocolate Factory

My family and I visited the Phillip Island Chocolate Factory. The founder-owner-manager of the factory is Panny. He from Malaysia (I am very impressed because people in Malaysia opened a big factory in Australia). He has a vast experience in cocoa industry. It took him decades to have the courage to create his own chocolate factory in Australia after working in various cocoa plantations. With the help from the locals, Panny created his dream which is his own chocolate factory. 

We loved this place, great displays, chocolate tastings, I can know how chocolate made and 'make your own chocolate bar with strange flavour' machine.

The chocolate is a bit more expensive, but it is hand made, not mass produced by machine and their taste so delicious and nice. The staff were friendly and helpful.

At noon, we ate at their cafe (Guess what? it also have Malaysian food. Alhamdulillah). Their foods so yummy 😁 It have a lot of foods, such as curry, fried rice, briyani and so on. I am visited here for lunch and I had an amazing curryπŸ›. I know, curry at a chocolate factory, it's odd but works!!! I love this so much !! πŸ™†

So byebye guys. I will end my writing about Melbourne. πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

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